Minutes: August 20, 2018

Georgia Men’s Gymnastics Board Meeting

August 20, 2018

Meeting was conducted via JOIN ME where attendees included:

Felippe Mendonca, Chris Wise, Kevin Earney, Andrei Kouznetsov, and David Pomerantz

  1. We need to raise the state head tax to keep our account positive. It is currently $5 and Felippe suggested to raise it to $10 – Unanimous vote in agreement
  2. The State Meet entry fee is designated by USAG at $100. We charged $10 last year for the Regional shirts and came up short.  Suggested to raise the t-shirt fee to $15.  If a club does not want the t-shirt for Regionals they do not have to purchase.  Regional meet t-shirts – Chris Wise will organize – Unanimous vote in agreement
  3. Felippe asked if we need to increase the membership on the Board or should we keep it at the current five members – Board unanimously voted to keep it the same
  4. State Meet – March 9-10

There were two bids:

  • Savannah – Islands YMCA at Islands High School. The Board confirmed that the square footage listed on the bid form is strictly for the gymnastics area only.  Spectator seating is additional area.
  • Roswell – Felippe using Roswell Booster Club @ KSU or Riverside Military Academy

Board voted to award the State Championships to Islands YMCA

  1. Championship dates:
  • April 4-7 Optional Regionals – Gainesville or Dalton????
  • April 13-14 Compulsory Regionals – Savannah (Islands YMCA ???)
  • April 30-May 5 – JO Nationals – Reno, NV


Meeting adjourned